IRIX 5.3 for Indy R4400
IRIX 5.3 for Indy R4400 175MHz.img
Text File
144 lines
How to configure your audit system with satconfig
Functions Found in the Menu Bar
You are prompted to specify a file to load events from.
Files generated with the satconfig 'save' function are
correctly formatted; so is configuration file
/etc/config/sat_select.options. Each event toggle is
set to the value specified in the selected file.
The current settings of the event toggles are saved in a
file. You are prompted to specify the name of the file.
Finish up with the satconfig program. The 'exit' menu
item acts the same as the 'quit' push button.
Select Factory Default Events
Set the event toggles to the standard values as shipped
by Silicon Graphics.
Select Local Default Events
Set the event toggles to the values you last chose,
either when you used the satconfig 'apply' push button,
or when you edited /etc/config/sat_select.options.
Select Current Events
Set the event toggles to the values which are
currently in use by the kernel audit subsystem. The
'select current events' menu item acts the same as the
'revert' push button.
Select All Events
Set all event toggles 'on'. If you press the 'apply'
push button with all events selected, you will begin
collecting a huge volume of audit information.
Select No Events
Set all event toggles 'off'. If you press the 'apply'
push button with no events selected, you will, in
effect, turn off the audit subsystem.
Help With Version
Display the satconfig version number.
Help Using Program
Display the information you're reading now.
Help Choosing Events
Display a brief summary of each event.
Picking the Right Set of Audit Events
Clicking on one of the event names in the scrolled check
box window toggles the state of the event. When the event
is selected to be audited, the toggle button appears to be
depressed; the upper left corner is dark shadowed, and the
center of the toggle button is set to the highlight color.
When the event is not selected to be audited, the toggle
button appears to pop out of the screen; the lower right
corner is dark shadowed, and the center of the toggle button
is set to the application's background color.
Not all the event toggle buttons fit on the screen at once.
Use the scroll bar(s) to reveal hidden event toggle buttons.
The events you have chosen are not audited by the system
until you finalize your changes with the push buttons at the
bottom of the satconfig main window.
Finalizing Your Changes
When you press the 'apply' push button, satconfig
causes the kernel to begin collecting audit records
for the events you have specified, and /etc/config/
sat_select.options is filled with the state values
you chose for the audit events. Your choices will
be automatically reapplied each time you reboot.
When you press the 'revert' push button, any changes
you've made to the event toggle buttons are lost, and
the toggles reflect the set of events currently being
audited by the system.
The 'quit' push button closes down satconfig.
Customizing satconfig
Colors, fonts, strings and screen layout are all determined
by resources in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Satconfig. The
default resource values may be overridden by values in your
$HOME/.Xresources file. All satconfig resources are standard
to motif, so you can learn more about them in the motif manual
pages or in any standard motif textbook.
Although satconfig may be used by any user, only the superuser
can access the kernel components of the audit system. Ordinary
users won't be able to apply changes to the system, nor will
they have the privileges necessary to write changes out to the
system configuration file /etc/config/sat_select.options. If
satconfig presents you with a privilege error dialog window,
exit the program, become superuser, and run satconfig again.
Where to Look for Additional Information
command line functionality equivalent to satconfig